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Modern Wheat and the impact it is having on your health

Part I

Let’s take a look at modern wheat and why you should avoid a diet high in refined grains.

The average American eats 55 pounds of wheat flour per year making refined flour the number one source of calories in the standard American diet (SAD).
Many people think they NEED whole grains and that these grains are part of a healthy diet.
What is your definition of whole grains? Most people think that eating their whole wheat bread or bagel and some whole wheat pasta is part of the whole grain category on the “My plate” and thus good for them. But the truth is a whole grain is just that-where you can actually see the whole grain such as in quinoa, rice (not white unless it is basmati), millet, steel cut oats, buckwheat or even popcorn. When the grain is intact it is in its pure form and this means it contains its fiber and nutrients. These types of whole grains are nutritious and good for you.
The type of grains that the majority of people eat in the form of bread, pasta, muffins and so forth are stripped of its nutrients. The germ and the bran are stripped away-all you are left with is the endosperm which is the carb portion of the plant. So you are eating something stripped of its fiber, vitamins and minerals and are only eating the starchy portion. Guess what? That starchy portion contributes to blood sugar surges and can contribute to type 2 diabetes. It also contributes to belly fat and ages your body.
So as you can see that loaf of bread is not as healthy as you thought. To make matters worse, it is addictive. Sugar and high simple carb foods cause a surge of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine , is the neurotransmitter where you get your motivation from, but these surges in dopamine are not a good thing-eating processed refined foods is causing surges of dopamine such as would cocaine. When you come down from the surge, you want more processed foods to get this rush experience again. This is why it is so difficult for people to give up their gluten products and sugar products. This also contributes to mood issues as you can see how if effects your neurotransmitter pathways.
Should I switch to whole wheat?
People think since they are eating whole wheat bread products this is much healthier and good for them and thus also tend to consume a large quantity of whole wheat products. It goes back to the processing-if it’s not in its whole form it is still refined and will affect your health. Don’t be fooled by package advertising.
Bottom line: it is still a highly processed food.

Ok, so I will eat gluten free products then.
There are so many gluten free products out there and this is a great thing for all of those people who cannot eat gluten. But the problem is, even though these products do not contain wheat/gluten, they are still highly refined products-which again is void of nutrients and sends your blood sugar soaring (and then crashing). These food products contain corn starch, rice flour, potato starch, tapioca starch and so forth-again too high in simple carbs and sugar. They are great for a special treat but it is best to avoid these products on a regular basis too.
These products also contain brown rice flour. It is not so bad if you consume brown rice from time to time but if you eat gluten free products daily, chance are, you are consuming a lot of brown rice. The problem with brown rice is that it contains arsenic. Some of these products contain 90 times more arsenic than what is allowed in drinking water. Even low levels of arsenic can contribute to headaches, fatigue, brain fog, digestive issues respiratory illness and more.


Bottom Line: avoid gluten free products and use as only on occasion.


Why do we have issues now with our flour based products when we did not in the past?


Prior to WWII, people did not eat as much wheat and gluten containing foods as we do now. Due to the processing, they have added in more wheat to make our bread products softer, chewier and moist with longer shelf life. Not only are you eating more gluten and wheat products than your grandparents ever ate, the ones you do eat contain way more gluten than the products of your grandparents. Think about it, did they eat all the snack foods that you eat, the frozen meals, take out foods etc.… read the labels, and you will see how many of your food- like products contain wheat/gluten! Your grandparents were probably were not eating bagels for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, pasta or pizza for dinner with snacks of muffins and pastries. Our way of eating as a society has greatly shifted and I don’t mean in a good way.


Prior to 60 years ago we also ate different breeds of wheat such as Einkorn and Kamut. Now the wheat is high yield dwarf wheat which was developed by cross breeding and genetic manipulation around the 1960’s. It’s cheaper to produce but we are now seeing the health consequences.


Bottom line: bread of today is not the same as it was 60 years ago. We also consume more gluten and wheat than our grandparents ever did.


I have no health issues, no allergies to gluten so it’s okay if I eat it.
The wheat of today through selective breeding contains increased concentrations of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). This is responsible for many of wheats ill effects even in sprouted forms. Yes, I don’t even recommend sprouted breads. WGA can do direct damage to the majority of tissues in your body which may explain why chronic inflammation and degenerative conditions are endemic to our wheat consuming population. These lectins are very tough and small and resistant to breakdown in our bodies, thus they tend to accumulate and become incorporated into tissues where they interfere with normal biological processes. It can also pass through the blood brain barrier causing brain inflammation and contribute to mental health, memory and concentration issues.


Most people contribute the problems in wheat to the gluten and yes, the gluten can cause damage but it may not be the only contributing factor in gluten containing products.


WGA is a lectin. Lectin is a defense mechanism for the wheat plant. It is designed to ward off its natural enemies such as fungi and insects. Sprouting or fermenting can help negate some of the harmful side effects of this anti-nutrient but lectins are resistant to these types of processes. Lectins do exist even in healthy sprouted breads and actually may be in higher concentration in whole wheat varieties. WGA can interfere with digestion and absorption and can shift the balance in your gut flora and can contribute to dysbiosis.
Keep in mind that WGA is also found not just in wheat but in spelt, rye and barley.


Bottom line: even sprouted bread is not a healthy alternative


Stay tuned! In the next update you will learn what to give up, how many gluten refined grains you can eat and remain healthy, what health issues are grains causing.

Bauman, E. & Friedlander, J. (2014) Foundations in Nutrition. CA: Bauman College
Gunnars, K. (2/14) Why modern wheat is worse than older wheat. Retrieved from authoritynutrition.com
Mercola, J. (1/16/10) The Critical Role of Wheat in Human Disease. Retrieved from articles.mercola.com


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Karen Brennan, MSW, owner of Tru Foods Nutrition Services, is a Nutrition Consultant and is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition (candidate). As such, she does not treat, cure or diagnose. The information provided is for educational purposes only. Seek out your healthcare professional when making any changes to your diet and supplement regimen.
Karen is available for group presentations in the Colorado Front Range area for a variety of health topics; she sees clients one to one locally and via phone and skype. Visit her website to learn more about services she offers.
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