Corona Virus

Your Questions Answered

“Live Healthy Today For Tomorrow”

Note: This post is being updated daily as we continue to get new information.  This virus should be a reminder to ALL of us that we need to support our immune system daily, on-going, NOT when a new virus spreads!!

I have been getting many questions from clients and readers about what they should be doing for the corona virus. I am so glad people are asking and thinking about this from a nutritional standpoint.

I decided to post a mass response here due to all the similar questions.

What Is the Coronavirus?  

This virus is essentially a large family of viruses that includes many ones that are more common.  Around one third of those that cause the common cold come from this virus.  SARS was a coronavirus.  MERS was also a coronavirus but distinct from SARS.

Symptoms of this virus are not much different than the flu with the exception of more lung impact.  According to Dr. Mark Menolascino, MD, there are now 7 types of coronavirus, of which 4 infect humans and mostly cause mild to moderate symptoms similar to a cold or flu but can cause severe disease.  He states the data is showing that men and the elderly are at greater risk than women and children.

Essentially this coronavirus is a unique strain of the flu that our bodies are not used to with an incubation time of 14 days.

From what I have been reading from reputable sources is that this is NOT a new disease. A good article by David Crow to read on this (also discussed the rate of false positives and negatives from testing):

Early on it was believed that you could get re-infected BUT this has shown to be false and you will likely retain immunity going forward.

This virus is very contagious, more so than the flu.

This short 10 minute video clip by Dr. Cowan on viruses is really interesting

Change Your Mindset

We really need to take a step back and look at our health care system. Our health care system is set up to be reactionary instead of proactive. Our government handled this poorly and we could have stopped this in its track much sooner if we followed suit of countries such as Taiwan.

It is time to take your health in your own hands and start using preventative health care to ensure that you are protected from any virus or bacterial infection. (or any health issue for that matter).

Use this time to try out new recipes and cook family meals. Look at this as a plus, getting more time with your close loved ones and eating meals at home together instead of rushing from one activity to another. We are constantly on the go as a society and this forced down time may not be such a bad thing.  

Go to my blog posts and search for recipes-try new healthy recipes during your quarantine!

NOW is the time to take a hard look at your health. Are you one of the ones that are at greater risk of contracting the coronavirus?  Maybe because you smoke, don’t address stress or lack of sleep, have diabetes, eat a crap food diet and have heart disease.  YOU can do something about your health.  It is never too late to start supporting your immune function.

But this is the time to stay home and protect those with weaker immune systems and give hospitals a break from the burden this is placing on them.

Address the Stress

With many and most businesses shut down, cancellations of events, lack of social contact, kids at home, families working from home, and many now faced with economic hardship this has added a great deal of stress to our lives.

I am hearing from clients that symptoms they have not had in years are now suddenly reappearing although they are doing everything to take care of themselves.

I am hearing from others that they are scared, stressed, afraid to go anywhere, or touch anything.

All this stress is impacting our immune system, at the very time that we need it to be robust.

This is the time to add in stress reduction, including getting some fresh air and walking, deep breathing, meditation, and yes, eating whole foods.  Processed food diet is a stressed diet for your body!  Adaptogenic herbs can be very wonderful during this time too.

This is also impacting us financially, socially, emotionally and mentally, all adding to our stress levels.

I have written several posts on stress but here is one you may find helpful during our current times of crisis


What Is Your Weakest Link?

I used to work in long term care, so I have seen many viruses pass through the facilities that I have worked at. The key to staying healthy in that environment is eating whole foods, washing hands, addressing stress, good sleep habits and addressing your weakest link.

For instance, I am more vulnerable to upper respiratory infections ever since I got a very bad case of bronchitis in college. Every cold seemed to settle into my lungs with a long- lasting cough. I started to address my immune system more seriously in the past couple of years and it has made a huge difference for me. For instance, in December I was on a plane 11 times in 18 days. I did develop a cold but it was mild and lasted only a few days. In the past, that would have turned into a respiratory infection with me sick for weeks not days.

What are your chronic health issues? By addressing them with nutritional means you are also supporting your overall health and your immune system and thus greater prevention for when a new viral strain comes around.

Maybe your health is in a good place, but you have difficulty sleeping or you have been under a great deal of stress. Both of these weaken the immune system and need to be addressed. Identify your weakest links.

Those who are impacted the worse from this virus are those with at least one chronic health condition!

What Weakens My Immune System?

  • worry, fear, anxiety, depression, stress, panic
  • corticosteroids and other immune suppressant drugs
  • having nutrient deficient (where from meds, your diet or related to a health condition)
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Poor microbiome health
  • intestinal permeability
  • diet high in processed foods, additives, dyes/colors, preservatives, fast food, white flour and sugar
  • Poor sleep, disrupted sleep, poor sleep habits
  • fungal infections, gut infections,
  • Too much caffeine (relying on it)
  • Diet lacking fruit, vegetables and dark leafy greens
  • Diet too low in protien
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Health conditions such as CVD, diabetes, HTN, COPD and so forth….
  • Obesity
  • Aging
  • Asthma

Is This Worse Than the Flu?

I  originally said it is difficult to determine however at this point, with how contagious this is, how fast it has spread and the impact it has had on the availability of hospital beds, and life as we know it, this is worse.

Currently the WHO states that more die from the flu each year BUT the flu deaths number is grossly exaggerated because those who die from pneumonia are lumped into this category. Not everyone who gets pneumonia has the flu first. Again, from working in long term care and having had to address health of my own aging parents I know this to be true from professional and personal experience. But can the flu lead to pneumonia? Yes it can. The corona virus can also lead to pneumonia. As of now, those who are affected the most are those with compromised health and weak immune systems.

Since this isn’t over, we still do not know the death toll. Nor will we ever have accurate estimates as to how many contracted the virus and deaths since we didn’t test at first and then used faulty test kits.

The corona virus does target the lungs, the respiratory tract. Most people are only getting mild symptoms but there are those that are getting severe respiratory issues from this virus.

83% (stat as of March 18th, 2020) of those with the virus complain of fever, 81% with cough and 31% with shortness of breath.  Smaller numbers complain of sore throat (5%), diarrhea (2%) and chest pain (2%).  However today March 19th, according to the American Journal of Gastroenterology, some people are getting digestive issues as the very first indicator and those that do seem to suffer more from this virus.

According to Dr. J. Thomas with DaVinci Labs, In Wuhan over 50% of those in the epidemiological study that did develop pneumonia also had a chronic disease.

According to Dr. Spiegel, MD, editor in chief of the American Journal of Gastroenterology, those with the coronavirus who also are experiencing digestive symptoms are having worse clinical outcomes.  

At this point, this does look worse than the flu because of the incubation period and because how easily it is being transmitted and severity of the impact on the respiratory system.  BUT according to Dr. Brownstein, this is still not as deadly as the flu!

Should I Take Tamiflu?

Should I Take Anti-Viral Drugs?

I have a few clients that during this virus, their doctor prescribed Tamiflu, an anti viral medication,  without knowing if they have the flu or coronavirus or something else.

So should you take Tamiflu? Well, I am not a doctor so I cannot tell you to take or not take a medication prescribed by your doctor.

But what I can do is give you some information on Tamiflu.

On the Tamiflu package there is a warning label. Pay attention to this since Tamiflu can cause behavioral/psychiatric symptoms such as delusional thinking.  Some side effects of Tamiflu are convulsions, delirium, delusions and suicidal behavior. The psychiatric side effects seem to be more common in children.

In the BMJ review it was found that Tamiflu shortened the duration of the flu by less than one day.  Actually, it was 16.8 hours to be exact and reducing by this amount did not effect the number of flu related hospitalizations.  Tamiflu also needs to be taken within 4 hours of onset of  flu symptoms.

For more information on Tamiflu that  you will not hear from mainstream, Dr. Mercola has a post on this drug, and Dr. Sharon Tenpenny also has a good article on Tamiflu

Anti-Viral Drugs for Coronavirus: It may be wise to avoid the anti-viral meds if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure.  The reason for this is because these drugs, such as ribavirin, contain a warning from that this med may decrease the amount of RBC in your body.  This can lead to anemia which can be life threatening in those with heart and circulation issues.  (high blood pressure is a circulation problem).

What Is The Cytokine Storm?

This virus attached to receptors (in a lock and key fashion) to receptors on the cells of your lungs, spleen and lymphatic system.  Your body will then launch an immune response which is what it is supposed to do.  It will deploy immune cells and activate your inflammasomes which signal your body to begin releasing a cascade of pro-inflammatory chemical messengers.

Some of these messengers are cytokines.  They are a class of small proteins that play an important role in immune activation and communication.  In a normal response the correct level of cytokines are secreted to neutralize the invader.  Then balance can be restored

But what appears to be happening with the coronavirus is that the response is exaggerated and too may cytokines are being released and too quickly and this is causing the storm response.  This overproduction in the lung tissue is causing massive lung inflammation and damage.  

Go under “What should I take to support my immune system” as what to take to possibly prevent the lung damage and lung inflammation 

Because of the cytokine storm The Arizona University Dept. of Integrative Medicine has suggested that those who have tested positive for the coronavirus stop taking elderberry, echinacea, and extra vitamin D (if you are taking vitamin D to maintain adequate levels no reason to stop, it is just that you should not start taking very high doses of it)


Am I At Greater Risk of Getting the Corona Virus?

That depends on your health and what you are doing to support it.

I find it ironic that many people say they cannot afford to eat healthy, cannot afford to take supplements.  

But we can afford a total collapse of our economy? 

If we all worked on our health, our immune health I think this would not be as much of an issue. Taking care of your health is a lot cheaper that closing your business for 2 plus months!

BUT that being said, it is possible that you may still carry it and transmit it to someone else with a weaker immune system.

So who is at greater risk?

Look at the coronavirus data: If we look at Italy, at this time (March 21, 2020), 99% of those who have died from the virus had other illnesses.  Yes, there are some that are getting very sick with no KNOWN health issues, but the majority have chronic lifestyle health issues that are making them a greater risk for severe symptoms and death.

Same people that are greater risk for other viruses, and other infections such as staph and MRSA.  This includes those who take immune suppressant meds, those who have cancer, those who are nutrient deficient, smokers, obese, diabetics, those with heart disease, other immune compromised health issues, the aging and so forth.

Even if you do everything right, take care of your body, you still can get sick but the odds of a short duration and mild symptoms are more likely.

Bottom line, with the way we take care of our health in the U.S, that means a great deal of us are at greater risk! But thankfully, 80% of those infected are getting only mild symptoms.

At this point in time, stay home so that you reduce your risk!

If you are at greater risk, start addressing your risk factor today. If you need to know more about how to support your immune health, call to set up a consult.

Testing For the Virus

We will never have exact numbers for how many have/had the virus nor how many died from it. My father passed during this outbreak and I seriously question if he had the virus but we will  never know.

The CDC has done a horrible job with testing for the virus.  Testing kits are unreliable.  There are false positives and false negative.

According to a recent post by Dr. Brownstein, we should have followed the protocol that Taiwan took. As of March 13th they have 50 cases and 1 death. They are 81 miles from mainland China and has 24 million residents.  When on December 31 2019, Chinese officials notified the WHO that citizens were suffering from severe cases of pneumonia, Taiwan immediately took action, monitoring passengers who arrived from Wuhan.  They increased surveillance and testing.

What did the U.S. do?

They refused test kits from the WHO, developed their own faulty kits and refused private labs from testing sick people.

A good post by John PA Ioannidis, professor of medicine, of epidemiology and population health at Stanford about the data or lack of data in this fiasco.

Should I Get the Flu Vaccine?

I don’t understand this one. Getting the flu vaccine is not going to prevent you from getting the current corona viral strain. In fact, from what I have been reading, getting the flu vaccine may make you more susceptible to getting the corona virus. ( )

As always, I will provide information to you that mainstream news does not provide so that you can make the best educated choice for yourself. The decision should always be yours based on information instead of being mandated, forced and bullied into getting a vaccine.

Should I Wear A Mask?

You should if you are sick currently and out and about so that you do not cough or sneeze on anyone else but really just stay home. There are many people that currently are sick with mild cold like symptoms and don’t know if they have the corona virus because test kits are not available. If you are sick and just not sure that you have the corona virus best to avoid public places but when in doubt wear the mask, however….

Most of the masks in the stores are not very effective because they do not cause a tight seal. But regardless if sick wear a mask so that you can protect those who do have weak immune systems or stay home as much as you can and be mindful of what you touch such as touching your face and then touching something in a store.

But don’t wear a mask to protect you because it will not. It is used to protect your germs from others, not the other way around.

How Long Can the Virus Survive on Inanimate Objects?

As of now the information states that it can live 2 hours and up to 9 days. However, what has been stated is that if you are ordering products, especially from China, the virus will not survive and be living on the product by the time it reaches you.  This news has changed. Now they are saying that since many of us are ordering everything, we should keep our packages in the garage for 24 hours then spray it down to disinfect and then disinfect everything inside.  While this is a tedious process I have been spraying and wiping down all my supplement orders that are coming in the mail.  

That is a wide variable! For that reason, wipe down surfaces frequently! In my last newsletter I posted some homemade recipes.  Currently I am spraying and wiping down my office with an alcohol and essential oil blend that I made.

From March 17th, from the New England Journal of Medicine, the virus can survive viable in the air for up to 3 hours, on coper for 4 hours, on cardboard for 24 hours (so be careful handling your packages right now!), and on plastic and stainless steel for 72 hours.  They have found that the virus can be wiped away with disinfectant-yay!! (use a blend of rubbing alcohol and essential oils.

DO NOT mix bleach with vinegar, bleach and ammonia, bleach and rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and vinegar)

How Is the Corona Virus Different Than the Flu?

Many of the symptoms are the same but the biggest difference seems to be currently that it impacts the lungs even more so than the flu. For this reason, the elderly, those with diabetes, cancer, weakened immune systems for other reasons, those with asthma, need to be extra cautious but also a reminder that they need to do what they can to support their immune health on a daily and on going basis.

Those with at least one chronic disease are getting more severe symptoms versus others.

There are many useful herbs for lung support, upper respiratory infections and cough. They include mullein, licorice, osha, thyme, yerba santa, astragalus, elecampane, and lobelia.

This virus is also more contagious than the flu. Typically with the flu, you show signs and symptoms within 48 hours of contracting it but in the case of the coronavirus, you can be a carrier, show no signs and spread it to those with weaker immune systems, hence the reason at this time for the importance of social distancing.

Should I Use Store Bought Hand Sanitizers?

Many of the store-bought ones are not effective. Why? Because they do not contain enough alcohol to kill off germs. I would rather you avoid them, especially any that contain triclosan (many have removed it) as they have been shown to contribute to bacteria resistance and hormonal disruption. You want your disinfectants  to have the base be rubbing alcohol, everclear or peroxide.

Personally, I do not use the sanitizer gels. They used to have them all over the nursing facility that I worked at and never used them-instead I headed for the soap and the water. But sometimes that isn’t feasible.

I carry my own homemade sanitizer with me to prevent all the added ingredients in the store- bought ones as they have been shown to be less effective than soap and water. (I use rubbing alcohol or Ever Clear or hydrogen peroxide mixed with a few drops of vitamin E oil and then some essential oils that are known to help kill off a virus. The main go to is Tea Tree oil. I also added in some eucalyptus and lavender in my recent blend.). Most of the time when I spray it on the plane on my arm rests and so forth the person next to me will ask what that is and say it smells so good!

Regardless the main ingredient should be the alcohol or peroxide to kill off germs.

I make my own and continue to spray down my area on a plane trip and use it for my hands after bathroom use on a plane.

I also carry my own soap on trips. I use Dr. Bronner tea tree oil soap and cut it into small pieces and put into baggies so that I can use this. For some this may be overkill but it is what I do. The good news is that you can also get this brand in liquid form so very easy to carry with you and use wherever you are.

I also wash my hands longer than the average person. I know this because whenever I am in an airport bathroom, I am still washing my hands while the sink next to me already had 2 to 3 people pass through. Wash your hands thoroughly-Don’t do a drive by under the water and run out the door!

Handwashing is critical. I cannot stress this enough. Not just for this virus but get in the habit of doing this as a normal part of your routine. When I was in Asia, I was amazed that the Hindi and Muslim women in the airport bathrooms did not wash their hands. My friend told me this is a cultural thing. Unfortunately, a very dangerous cultural practice.

What Should I Take to Support My Immune System?

There are so many wonderful herbs and supplements to support your immune system. Here are some of my “go to’s” and this is not an exhaustive list. You may be taking something not on the list that is still very supportive such as elderberry and echinacea.

Please keep in mind there is no current research and data showing if and how effective any of these supplements are against the corona virus!

I have been trying to keep immune support supplements in stock however, many are on backorder!  You can also order from my online apothecary,  Email me with your first and last name, best email and phone number and I can get you set up in my apothecary if you wish to order professional grade supplements. Now is NOT the time to go cheap on Supplements!

There has been some new news that some medications and supplements that are thought to be good for colds and flu can make the corona virus worse.  Ibuprofen has been suggested to enhance the infectious capabilities of the coronavirus.  However, others are stating that vitamin D and vitamin A and other supplements that reduce inflammation should be avoided as well. I think we need more research on this.

My suggestion is to not increase your current doses. More is not necessarily better! For instance, if you take vitamin D, you do not need to start taking more. Same with your omega 3 supplement. While both are needed for the body, too much can backfire and lead to inflammation.  Fat soluble vitamins can build up in the body so if you do take higher doses because you are sick, it should be done only for a few days!  This is why it is always important to know  your own lab levels.  Vitamin D is typically run on annual blood work.  Omega 3 index testing can be done via a blood spot test. You want your range at 8% or higher.  Keep in mind that larger people tend to need higher doses of vitamin D and omega 3 supplements to reach targeted ranges.  If you would like me to order a fatty acid profile test for you, please let me know.

This is different for everyone because we are all individuals with different health issues, different weakest links, different medications etc. This is a general guideline and remember you should discuss any herbal/supplement add ins with your health professional because some can interact with your medications (or may not be safe if pregnant, breastfeeding). (for my clients I review their meds and interactions before suggesting supplementation).

I suggest you support your immune system in winter months on-going regardless of the corona virus

This was interesting-a post from Thailand about the connection to low potassium.

There are many conflicting reports on the use of vitamin A at this time.  Vitamin A is supportive for the lungs and the immune system however high doses should be avoided at this time. In reality, high doses are not always warranted and more is not necessarily better with any supplement.  Instead continue to eat vitamin A rich foods which includes dark leafy greens, orange foods such as carrots, oranges and peppers and fish, poultry and egg yolk for the retinol form.

Vitamin C: In winter months when you may be eating less fruit and vegetables it is a good practice to add in vitamin C. I take it twice daily in winter months and once daily in summer months. Take 500 to 1,000 mg. twice daily. If you are immune compromised take in the liposomal form. Some people need even more.

Zinc: Zinc is found in highest concentrations in red meat and oysters so if you are a vegan you may want to supplement year-round. The elderly are often low in zinc and a tell tale sign is that they have lost their ability to taste and smell. In the winter months you can add it in for immune support. Check your multi vitamin first if you are taking one to see how much zinc and what form you are getting it in. I like zinc picolinate, zinc chelate for immune support 15-30 per day. Again, the amount depends on the individual. It is best to take zinc away from nuts, seeds, legumes and grains for greater absorption. On an empty stomach is best but I have found that many get an upset stomach when taken this way. The higher the dose, the greater the odds that it will upset your stomach.

Megaspore: This is a probiotic and my first line of immune defense. There are other probiotics on store shelves, but this is the only one that I currently recommend. Many have been shown to not have what they say on the label. There are many inferior products that may have beneficial strains, but they don’t survive the trip to the colon which is where you want them.

Think about it. If it needs to stay in the refrigerator for the strains to stay living and active. How is it going to survive the harsh, acidic, warm digestive climate?

Megaspore has been shown to survive the trip to the colon and to modulate negative bacteria into good strains. There website ( ) has studies if interested. This is a professional brand so if interested in purchasing, let me know.

I have been asked ” I can only afford taking one added supplement for immune support, what do you recommend?”  It would be Megaspore, a spore based probiotic!

Andrographis: This is an anti-microbial plant that is also good to use for fevers, inflammation and to detoxify the body. It also stimulates macrophages and antibodies to counteract invading pathogens. In 1919 it was used to address the flu epidemic! I personally take this one time per day all through the winter months for extra immune support.

Vitamin D: I think by now we all know based on the data that having adequate vitamin D is critical for immune support. You should ideally know your D levels via blood work. Most people need between 1,000 to 10,000 IU daily depending on where their lab results are at. Most of my clients need around 5,000 IU daily on going but some have needed more short term. Depending on where you live and time in the sun you may need to supplement year-round. If your cholesterol levels are low, you will have difficulty absorbing vitamin D from the sun.

If you have the virus, avoid high dosing of vitamin D, just take your typical dose.  More is NOT always better!

A good website with vitamin D data and research is

Adaptogenic Herbs: These herbs are good for stress support. You probably now or at some point in time have had chronic stress. Chronic stress will damage gut health and will weaken your immune system. There are many herbs in this category and finding the right one for you can take some time. Some of the more populate and helpful adaptogens include rhodiola, ashwagandha and ginseng. A good book if you want to do some research is “Adaptogens. Herbs for strength, stamina and stress relief” by D. Winston and S. Maimes.

Chyavanprash: This is an herbal ayurvedic blend that is a jam like consistency. In winter months I try to take a teaspoon each morning. I say “try” because since it is kept in the fridge I sometimes forget. It is supportive for the immune system, digestion and energy. You can eat it year round but especially in flu and cold season. And it tastes delicious. Many people use in place of jam.

Manuka Honey: Although there have been found that some manuka honey products are fake, another reason to shop for quality brands only, this honey has antimicrobial properties. I keep this on hand and use it for any kind of infection. In winter months you can take a small amount added to your tea or coffee or just eat a small amount off a spoon to reap the antimicrobial properties of this honey.

Melatonin: This I found interesting.  You probably thing of melatonin used for sleep but it has been found to inhibit the action of the inflammasome known as NLRP3 which is one of the primary inflammasomes involved in the exaggerated immune response in the coronavirus.  (see more info on inflammasomes under the heading “Cytokine Storm”).  This may be why also that children are less susceptible than older people because they can have as much as 10 times the amount of melatonin as older adults.  (our natural melatonin production decreases with age). ( )

Currently, if you are showing respiratory signs from the virus the suggested melatonin amount is quite high. I typically suggest to my clients that they reduce their melatonin dose down to typically .5 to 1.5 mg but for the virus, what I am is reading is dosing around 10 mg which is quite high, so please run this dose by your doctor first!

Melatonin is a hormone and be mindful that when taking one hormone it can disrupt other hormones.  This high dose of melatonin should only be used for therapeutic reasons and then reduced or discontinued.

EpiCor: This may be useful to add in for immune support.  This is a unique and natural fermentation ingredient compromised of dozens of compounds and metabolites that work together to help strengthen the immune system by balancing the immune response.  (

Glutathione: This is your master antioxidant and responsible for detoxification.  Scientist have discovered the it promotes the activation of the human immune system.  ( ). If you have chronic respiratory issues you may want to consider adding glutathione support.  More info on the importance of glutathione and the right forms can be found here:


Many more: there are so many useful natural compounds such as medicinal mushrooms that I didn’t even go into in this post.  What do you use?

Other Ways to Prevent Getting Sick

Relaxing/stress reducing practices: With the corona virus I have been reading so much about “reduce stress”. But then it just stops right there. We all have stress in our lives and some times there is nothing we can do about it. What helps you deal with the stress? Options include taking some time out for yourself, spending time with friends, time outside in nature, meditation, exercise, deep breathing, yoga and so forth.

What if you are so stressed, and don’t even have time to add in stress free tactics right now? This is where adaptogens and a whole foods diet play a huge role. Add in an adaptogen and start crowding out the processed foods to support the body.

If stress is impacting your sleep, that needs to be addressed as well. There are many tactics to improve sleep-from getting all the gadgets and blue light out of the room and away from you at least one hour prior to bedtime to using devices and herbs to help relax and unwind you. For instance is a sound system option to help you fall into a deep sleep.

Stress will always weaken the immune system!

Avoid highly polluted areas as much as possible due to the toxins and lung damage. You can grow and add in broccoli sprouts to detox from recent pollution exposure.

Stay home!  Yes, you may not be sick and you may actually be quite healthy.  But hospitals are bombarded with those who are at greater risk and having complications.  We need this virus to die down so that hospitals can return to normal and address the needs of other sick and injured individuals.  Remember that you may not know you have this virus but can spread it to someone else who doesn’t have an immune system as strong as yours

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of the Corona Virus?

Unfortunately, many of the symptoms are very similar to other viruses such as the flu. If you cannot get tested it is best to stay home for the quarantine period. Much of the population that is exposed are getting only mild symptoms. Those with compromised immune systems are getting more severe respiratory distress.

Symptoms include: The more common symptoms include fever, runny nose, sore throat, cough, chest pain, difficulty breathing and upper respiratory distress. Small number of people are getting GI disturbances such as pain and diarrhea.

The only way to know if it is the corna virus or something else is to get tested.

I have the Corona Virus, What Should I do Now?

I tell my clients to add in what I would tell them to add in for the flu and other viruses. Since this one impacts the lungs more so than the GI tract, the herbal add ins should focus on lung support.

There are many plants and herbs that are supportive. This is just a short list. However, keep in mind while these plants/supplements are immune supportive there is no data on how effective they are against the corona virus.

Vitamin C: If you are already taking vitamin C you can double up the dose. For colds and flu, you can even take 500 to 1000 mg of vitamin C hourly up to bowel tolerance.

Biocidin: This is an antimicrobial liquid herbal blend that can be taken in winter months for immune support, but I like to add it in at the first sign of feeling sick and run down. Take one dropper full 2 to 3 times per day.

Colloidal Silver: Another antimicrobial support add in. Some cheaper brands/products are not going to be useful for viruses and bacteria. I use Argentyn 23 which is a professional strength product.

Zinc Lozenges in acetate form: Take a lozenge as soon as you feel sick. This only work best if you take at the onset of a cold/virus. If you have been sick for days already, this is not going to be very effective. You can take 3 to 4 lozenges daily. Discontinue your other zinc supplement while taking this.

Boswellia: This is very lung supportive anti-inflammatory and should be added in for the corona virus. It can help to reduce bronchial inflammation and open the bronchial airways. I like EuroMedica brand and I would take this brand if sick three times daily until symptoms resolve.

Mullein: This plant is known to be helpful for intense coughs and to liquify phlegm. The leaf is used for coughs, bronchitis, colds and congestion. This plant is also antimicrobial. Mullein is a noxious weed and the leaf once the hairs on the leaves have been removed can be made into a tea, but best to buy in supplement or tincture form.  Useful when combined with horehound, yerba santa, or elecampane.

Eucalyptus: This antimicrobial plant will help to stimulate mucus secretions. This plant is commonly used for colds, bronchitis and pneumonia. This can be prepared as a tea to gargle or mixed with honey or used in supplement or tincture form.

Other Herbs for Cough and Lungs: There are many useful herbs to support lung health, and when you have a cough and upper respiratory issues.  These include Osha, Elecampane, Horehound, Lobelia, Yerba Santa, Astragalus, Thyme, and licorice.  I often like a blend and also make a tea of some of  these for my clients.

Melatonin: For respiratory support

Glutathione: For respiratory support

What Diet Should I Follow to Protect My Immune System?

Obviously, reduce the amount of sugar, fasts food, processed and packed foods in the diet. This should be done not only now in times of panic but now is a good time to start to dial in on your diet going forward.

Add in antimicrobial plants: This includes foods that you can eat everyday such as garlic, onion and shallots. Add in herbs and spices such as oregano, ginger, thyme, cinnamon, clove and turmeric. Add in raw local honey.

Add in bitter plants: Bitters such as dandelion leaf, arugula and radicchio to increase immunity in GI tract and in ears, nose and throat. It will also support detoxification and clear toxins from your body, so bitters are your friend. Add in dark leafy greens to your salad or saute some with garlic, onion and shallots.

Add in anti-inflammatory plants: Reducing systemic inflammation in the body is going to support immune health. Ideally you should know your CRP number via lab work. The functional range is 0-2. Anything over that, with my clients, I will address inflammation with foods, herbs and supplements. Add in many different whole foods including vegetables, leafy greens, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, fatty wild caught fish, berries, cherries and oranges. Drink green tea. Add in herbs such as rosemary, black pepper, turmeric, and ginger.

Add in fiber rich whole foods: Fiber is very important, -and you probably are not getting enough. I don’t support a long- term keto diet because of the lack of fiber in the diet. Fiber is food for your gut microbiome and a healthy gut means a healthy immune system. Add in beans, legumes, starchy whole foods such as carrots, parsnip, potato, sweet potato and beets.

Add in cruciferous vegetables for their Sulphur content: Sulphur rich foods are going to support detoxification (support liver detox phase 1 enzymes) , cleansing and liver health. You want your detox pathways to be working optimally for optimal immune health. This includes broccoli sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts.

Add in fermented foods: Fermented foods contain good bacteria to support a healthy gut. Add in kimchee, miso, raw sauerkraut and other raw fermented vegetables and raw pickles. Bubbies is a reputable fermented pickle brand. You can drink some kombucha but don’t go overboard. These bottles tend to be large-drink only half per day. Read labels as many have added sugar-avoid these beverages.

Should I Avoid Large Gatherings?

Well seeing that just about every large gathering event and facility including ski resorts, road races and sporting events, schools/colleges have been shut down along with employees encouraged to not come into the office, it is pretty easy to avoid large groups of people.  (And as of now we do not have a choice)

Even if you are healthy is does make sense right now to stay home.

Why? Because healthy people unknowingly can pass this to those who are frail and immune compromised.

The hospitals are overburdened right now.  People still get sick and injured so on top of all the corona cases, where are these people going and how are they going to get the care they need?  And the hospital staff is overworked which in the end means they will have weaker immune systems, will be fatigued and thus medical mistakes may be greater.

Just stay home.  Focus on things you have been meaning to get to.

We want this phase to end and the best way to do it is to use good hygiene, support the immune system and avoid spreading it to other people. A lot of this is common sense and common decency for others in society.


These are reputable people, doctors and sites in the holistic field where you can find evidence based information on corona virus and many other health topics.

I encourage you to do your own search to find their sites

Dr. Hyman

Dr. Perlmutter

Dr. J. Mercola Ji

Dr. Brownstein

Andrew Saul

Chris Kresser

John Rappaport

Dr. Sircus (proponent of baking soda remedy)


Bottom Line

We still don’t have all the facts and information of the corona virus. There are many beneficial herbs that offer antimicrobial support but currently we do not know how effective they are against this new viral strain. Most people are getting only mild symptoms, but this is still a dangerous virus for those who are immune compromised.

We should not be reactive and only take care of our health when a new virus strikes. Instead, be pro active and be prepared for when this crisis happens again with another new strain and start supporting your immune system today.

If you want to start working on your immune defense, give me a call or email and I will help you!  303-522-0381,