What You Do Not Know


What it Means for Our Future


We have all in one way or another been focused on COVID 19 because it has impacted each one of us.

You may have heard, or even have said yourself “This too shall pass”, or “When we return to normal” or “We are all in this together”

This long post with many links I put together to hopefully enlighten you and open your eyes but also open us to some healthy discussion whether we disagree or agree.  

What Is In This Article

Today I want to share many links and information that you do not hear in mainstream news. I hear from many about the deaths and how we need a vaccine to end this, how we need to do this or that and the fear that people are living in.

We should not be living in fear for many good reasons and we should not believe everything that you hear from the mainstream media as well. Today I will point out a few things for you.

At the bottom of this post I list more links and people in the natural health space to look up to find information that is being suppressed. 

Before I go on, I think the short video clip at this link sums everything up quite well

(mainstream news has already sent out alerts warning people of this video).  This is not quackery or fake news-this is from credible scientists and doctors. Ask yourself instead, why doesn’t mainstream media let you listen and make an educated decision for yourself?

To be clear, I am not denying that this virus is more contagious than the flu and that the symptoms can be severe and that yes, I know, people are getting sick and dying.  But does this mean we need to mandate a vaccine and shut down our economy and wear masks every time we leave our house?

Do I think the death numbers are accurate, do I think that they are avoiding the use of very safe and possibly highly effective alternative solutions?  Why is billions of dollars going to a possibly very dangerous and ineffective vaccine instead of programs to support health and nutrition and immune health?

I know what I think so now I am providing information for you that you don’t hear from mass media for you to make your own educated decision because this doesn’t just impact you in 2020, this impacts our future and our rights as you will see if you continue to read this.  I am not telling you what to think, instead I am providing the “other” side that you are not hearing and make your own decision.

Fear and a New Vaccine in Our Future

When we live in fear, we do not make good decisions, instead we believe what we are told and follow along. This is a powerful tool to get the masses to comply with a mandated vaccine.

If you want a corona virus vaccine after you have done all the research, then you should get one, but here in the US, it should not be forced upon us, to inject us if we don’t want our body violated in this way.

This possible mandated vaccine is a gateway to a chip implant to monitor everything about us. I am all for some government involvement but a chip that keeps track of everything I do, and makes sure that I am updated on all my vaccines or else I am not allowed to go out in public?  I do not agree with this loss of my freedom at all. I don’t support Bill Gates agenda and question why someone with no medical or science background is running the show.  From my perspective he has a God complex and will benefit when Microsoft manufactures a chip implant.

Here is some information on Bill Gates and what happened in other countries with the vaccines he implemented.  If you are not aware of it, Bill Gates supports population control and as a means to this is via forced vaccination.

Vaccines, Safe and Effective, Are They?

You may be saying, what is the harm in getting vaccines or you may be thinking vaccines are good and we should be getting all of them. The CDC and WHO says they are safe and effective.

To be clear I am not anti- vaccine and in fact I used to be very pro-vaccine to the point when I worked in long term care and they offered the new hep B vaccine when I was in my 20’s, I was the first in line to get it for “free”.

Currently, I do not support the forced injection of a COVID 19 vaccine nor do I support the amount of vaccines we are getting now and how many babies get injected into them at once and many vaccines just do not even make sense, such as the hep B and the HPV. (did you know that some school districts will not allow your child to enroll if he or she doesn’t have the HPV vaccine?  Why? It does not make sense since this isn’t even contagious among school children? What is the risk to other children if your child does not get the vaccine?  You really have to ask yourself what the ultimate agenda is?)

How Much Does Your Doctor Know About Vaccines?

Ask your doctor what he or she knows about vaccines.  From what I am told, your doctor does not learn about vaccines in medical school, only that they should follow the CDC vaccine schedule.  (Listen to Dr. Paul Thomas, who has a pediatric practice discuss this and where doctors get their vaccine info from-yes, from pharmaceutical reps….) The link to his site is at the bottom of this post

Did you know that a large amount of money in your pediatrician’s practice comes from routine vaccines? There is a lot of money to be made by the vaccine industry, big pharma and doctors for giving routine vaccines.  For instance, from the Blue Cross Incentive Program Booklet: The combo 10 is a combination of 10 shots that they need to administer to your baby before the age of 2 in order to receive $400.  The doctor receives a bonus of $40,000 for vaccinating 100 patients  under the age of 2. They must also vaccinate 63% of their eligible patient population to quality or else they lose the entire bonus.  If the doctor can vaccinate 200 patients the bonus jumps to $80,000. Thus, a great incentive to vaccinate and has nothing to do with our health.

Your doctor often is not even aware of the adjuvants, the heavy metals or toxins in vaccines, nor is he or she probably aware of how the amount of say aluminum in a vaccine in a baby exceeds the safety limits.  And ask your doctor to show you studies and tests on the safety of the synergistic effects of multiple vaccines at once.  He cannot show you any because none have ever been done!

(when I can find it again, there is a meeting from a February 2018 ACIP, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, an arm of the CDC,  in which someone asked about the effects of getting two vaccines at once and if  safety of this was studied and the response was that we have NO data on the effects of multiple injections. Then, Amanda Cohn states that while there are no studies they suggest giving the vaccines in separate limbs at the same time.


These are the people that are making the recommendations on vaccine safety for us!

Last time I checked the blood stream in one limb is the same blood stream in the other limb.

And yet NO ONE spoke up!!! And with this response about zero safety studies and Amanda Cohn’s response they all voted to have the Hep B vaccine added to the CDC schedule.

For me, watching that says it all!  (you can also see this clip of the meeting in episode 9 of Truth About Vaccines around the 13 minute mark.

A COVID 19 Vaccine and Why It’s Different Than Other Vaccines

Here are few things to ponder on the COVID 19 vaccine but I encourage you to do your own research. It is not easy to find information because a lot of it is censored. Yes, censorship of freedom of speech is alive and well in the US and I have seen it firsthand.

This post discusses the COVID vaccines in the works currently and how it differs from other vaccines that are currently on the CDC schedule.

I highly recommend purchasing the docu series on “The Truth About Vaccines” at” and also listen to Dr. Judy Mikovits on some concerns with the development of the new COVID 19 vaccine.  (she also co authored a book called “Plague: One Scientists Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases” which is currently a best seller on amazon.)

  • In the works right now for COVID 19 is an RNA vaccine which means it can alter your DNA. In trials they are asking participants to wear protection during intercourse to avoid pregnancy because this vaccine can alter the DNA of your offspring.  Ask yourself, do you want your DNA or that of your unborn baby’s DNA altered.  What could be ramifications be? Why are we playing GOD or mother nature with our DNA?
  • Did you know that there are no true placebo- controlled trails for vaccines meaning no saline placebo? Instead they use adjuvants such as heavy metals and even use another vaccine as the placebo!
  • Did you know that most vaccines take 20 plus years to develop and they want to fast track the COVID 19 vaccine? What are the consequences of doing so? They are also not using any animal testing first, they are going straight to human trials. How safe is this?
  • This virus is known to mutate since it is an RNA virus so how effective will this vaccine be anyhow? Will it even protect you since the virus will mutate?
  • There are zero RNA vaccines on the current vaccine schedule

In Jon Rappaport’s recent “No More Fake News” post he states,

“ Two new technologies are in the COVID testing pipeline as we speak: DNA and RNA vaccines.  They have never been released for public use.  DNA technology is actually gene therapy.  Genes are injected into the body, and they permanently alter the genetic makeup of the recipient in unknown ways.  RNA vaccines would carry the danger of triggering autoimmune reactions, meaning the body basically goes to war against itself.”

We Are Being Misinformed and Misled

The lack of the Data from Mainstream is Leading You to Think What The Powers That Be want you to think.  Do you think that data and research is always true?

Falsifying data has always unfortunately occurred in testing (think of the great cholesterol scam with Ancel Keys falsifying and altering of data to make it look like fat is the cause of CVD)  and it has occurred in the past by these people, the same people who are controlling the creating of the COIVD vaccine, so if they couldn’t be trusted in the past, why are we, the public, trusting them now with our health, our bodies and our children!?


What is Really Going On

The number of deaths that you hear about is so misleading. I know that many people that I have talked to know someone who has been very sick, has been hospitalized or has even died from COVID, (if not in reality died with COVID or died from medical error while treating COVID).  I do not mean to sound insensitive to the deaths because any death, from any cause is sad and tragic and a loss.  (I lost my father during this pandemic and so I also know how difficult it can be to lose someone during this forced quarantine when we cannot even have a service or connect with loved ones)

I have heard from some about someone they know who has died or has gotten very sick and they “were healthy”.  I have to ask, healthy according to your doctor? Is their health “managed” with medications?  Can I see their food log because in my experience many people who think they are eating healthy really are not. They are trying but marketing has a way of making us think all that crap food is good for us.

And finally for those healthy people-are you getting the flu shot annually? Did you know that getting the flu vaccine every year increases your risk of getting other viral infections?

Instead of me posting each study that validates this, this blog has numerous studies on this in one post to show you that in reality the flu vaccine is just creating a greater risk of you getting sick.

But ask yourself this instead

  • Since COVID came onto the scene why are we not hearing about any flu deaths? Are flu deaths just being listed under COVID deaths? Or is it possible that those who would have died from the flu due to compromised health, died instead from COVID?

This person asked the same question and looks at a Stanford University study to see what is really happening

  • The numbers. They are not accurate! Flu death numbers were never accurate either because the CDC puts pneumonia under flu deaths.  There is an incentive and a push for doctors to list COVID 19 as main cause of death on the death certificate.   (Medicare-COVID 19 reimbursement is $13,000 /and if on ventilator the reimbursement is $39,000) So some may have COVID but not die from it and some may not even have COVID and it is listed as a COVID death!

Here is a link to a post on COVID testing and how accurate it is so far:

Another article suggesting the death rate is less than 1% of the total population

Medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US!!!!

According to some studies indicate that death from medical error could even be higher than CDC estimates due to the way that medical error is reported on death certificates with possibly as many as 440,000 dying each year just from medical error (based off 2016 numbers). This number is just below the number of deaths from CVD and Cancer!!!

It baffles me that everyone is talking about COVID deaths and yet no one is seeing that many of these deaths are not from COVID but from medical error!

Do you really think that all these deaths are just COVID and medical error has not taken place!  If you have listened to the video from Dr. Kyle-Sidell, you have heard his comments on how ventilators are damaging and killing patients and is probably the wrong protocol.

Below is the link (if it still works) to the video of the nurse discussing medical error and COVID 19 in the hospital she is currently at:


Why Is No One Addressing Our Poor State of Health as the Reason for This Pandemic?

We know that those with more severe symptoms have low C, low zinc, low D, low selenium, low potassium, low glutathione, and the list go on and on!

Wake up!

Bottom line, those with poor immune function, those who smoke, those who eat the standard American crap food diet are the ones who are getting sick!

Shouldn’t we spend money on education on healthy eating instead of billions on a vaccine? But that would put big AG, big Pharma, big Dairy out of business.

We need to start supporting our local farms instead!

We need to get the right information out to parents, to schools and so forth.

Just a couple examples of low nutrient status and its impact on your immune health

COVID and low selenium:

COVID and low glutathione

COVID and Vitamin D levels

Go to for articles on IV vitamin C therapy for COVID 19.  Here is an excerpt from one of the articles on this site created by Andrew Saul.

“The next day, on March 12, the Government of Shanghai stated that China is now officially recommending that high amounts of intravenous vitamin C be used to treat the novel corona virus COVID-19. [33] The recommended dosage depends on the severity of the individual’s illness, but it ranges from 50 to 200 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day. That equates roughly to 4,000 to 16,000 milligrams per day in adults.

Meanwhile, the corona virus was ravaging New York City. On March 24, twelve days after the Government of Shanghai announced its official recommendation, the New York Post reported that Northwell Health, New York state’s largest health system, which operates 23 hospitals there, were treating “seriously sick” corona virus patients with intravenous vitamin C, and were using it system wide. [34] Dr. Andrew Weber, a pulmonologist and critical-care specialist at the hospital, said that the treatments were started based on work done with coronavirus patients in Shanghai, China. Patients entering these New York hospitals were given doses of 1500 milligrams of vitamin C immediately, with two or three recurring doses totaling 300 to 6000 mg/day. The patients receiving vitamin C did significantly better than those who did not get vitamin C, according to Dr. Weber. Weber said that vitamin C helps the body fight off an inflammatory overreaction to the infection which occurs as a result of coronavirus, a condition called sepsis. Pulmonologist Weber said that vitamin C levels in coronavirus patients drop dramatically when sepsis develops. “It makes all the sense in the world to try to maintain this level of vitamin C”, said Weber. Jason Molinet, a spokesman with Northwell Health confirmed for the New York Post that vitamin C treatments for coronavirus patients are being “widely used” across the hospital system. “

Here is a recent study done showing the benefits of added zinc to hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.  The study shows that the drugs are more effective if you add zinc!!

Why Are We Avoiding Methods of Treatment That Work?

 I guess in the short term it is cheaper for you-get a shot and continue to eat cheap processed food.  In the long run your health will suffer either way and you will be a part of the medical system and dependent on medications life-long.

I may sound cynical, but your country wants you sick and unhealthy. We keep big Ag, big dairy, vaccine industry and big pharma in business.

We are avoiding therapies that can possibly save many lives right now.  Why?  Because then the masses would realize we don’t need a vaccine for this pandemic.

In the NY Times article from April 21, 2020, “How Poor Diet Contributes to Coronavirus Risk”, Dr. Mozaffarian, dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University stated “ONLY 12% of Americans are WITHOUT high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and pre-diabetes.  Beyond age, these are the biggest risk factors for illness and death from Covid 19. “

WOW! We do not need to spend billions on creating a new vaccine. We need to spend that money on educating the public on how to take care of their bodies!

An article by an MD on the state of our health and how it has impacted us during COVID 19

Ask yourself this:

  • Why is there more autism, more kids and adults with mental health issues, more autoimmune conditions, more asthma, more seasonal allergies, more peanut allergies, more obesity, more diet and lifestyle disease? It is multi factorial in my opinion: diet, toxins, vaccines, stress, lifestyle.
  • We are sick and we are getting sicker and vaccine and drug manufactures want to keep us that way. Where would the profit be if we did not mandate vaccines, if we educated the public on how to eat healthy? Where is the money in that?  Do not be misled that these big companies are there to help you, because they are only there to profit from you.
  • I used to work in long term care and started at the age of 19. You saw the old, old in nursing homes, you did not see peanut allergies, celiac disease, asthma and so forth.  Now I see the population in long term care shifting to having more of the “younger old”, meaning in the 60’s and 70’s.
  • Why do kids starting from the 1990’s have this increase in peanut allergies? Look at the vaccine schedule at that time and what change occurred? Hint: it has to do with the vaccine industry being protected from vaccine injury liability and thus the motivation to add more vaccines to the vaccine schedule.  Of course, main- stream will tell you I am a quack for suggesting that vaccines caused the peanut allergy increased rate, but what answer do they have?  They do not and that’s my point.
  • When I was young and went on school field trips, there was maybe one or two kids that had to bring an inhaler or EpiPen. Have you been on a field trip recently? Do you see all the meds and inhalers and EpiPen’s that are taken on the field trips?  Why, Why Why?

Why Not Use Alternative Therapies to Save Lives?

These are important to know in case you or your loved one ends up seriously ill and hospitalized with COVID.  I do believe lives could be saved!

People are dying, many of the current drugs are not working and ventilators are not working?  We must ask why are we not even trying safe alternatives if people are dying?

To be clear, I am a nutritionist, thus I am not telling you to avoid conventional treatment.

What I am suggesting is that you stay informed and should you or a loved one get sick, present information to your doctor that he or she may not even be aware of and have a discussion about options.

Here is some information on natural solutions that your doctor isn’t using to save your loved one’s life:

At least some doctors are starting to do this very simple position:


To Wear or Not to Wear

The Great Debate of 2020

While some states have now enforced mandatory wearing of masks when out in certain public areas, in airports, on planes, and many think they are doing their civic duty wearing their mask, there is a downside to wearing one including increasing your risk of infection.

And by the way, again having worked in a health care setting, from what I see on my once weekly trip to the natural grocery store, most wear masks all wrong and same with gloves.  It would be much simpler if we washed hands properly with good old- fashioned soap and if you are actively sick, stay home.

Also, what do you think the particle size of a virus is? Do you really think a homemade cloth mask is going to stop small virus particles from getting through?

Here are some things to ponder about masks:

At this time there are no studies to show the benefits from a broad policy to wear masks in public

In the BMJ, a 2015 article found “This study is the first RCT of cloth masks and the results caution against the use of cloth masks. Moisture retention, reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection.  ”

Do masks become retainers of pathogens that the mask wearer would otherwise avoid when breathing without a mask?

What are the dangers of bacterial growth on a used mask?

Wearing a mask restricts your air flow and causing you to breathe in more carbon dioxide

Listen and read some of the links below for more mask information


Dr. Ron Paul discusses masks in this 24 minute video clip

The Downside to Forced Quarantine

While I personally think that quarantine initially while we were learning more about this new viral pathogen was not such a bad idea, this long term forced, mandatory quarantine for the masses is a very damaging decision on so many levels.

  • According the NY Times today, May 8, 2020, the unemployment rate in the US hit 14.7% and this type of job loss (20.5 million jobs lost just in April 2020) has not been seen since the Great Depression.
  • Those with weak immune systems, with chronic health conditions, the aging population should avoid limit their exposure, but the rest of us should go out and about, expose ourselves to not only the corona virus but to other pathogens as well and develop a strong immune system and develop antibodies to this virus so that we can protect those who are older.
  • Social isolation will weaken our immune system even further so that when we all start to go out and about our defenses will be down.
  • Stress of being home, stress of working from home or not working at all, stress of the unknown, etc. all weakens your immune system
  • Fear: I see many people not only with added stress but living in fear as well, again just adding another layer to the weakening of your immune system
  • Addiction: According to Medscape, doctors are seeing more people during COIVD with liver failure, more people drinking. We know this because alcohol sales are up. What about people with other addictions such as online gambling, drugs and eating disorders? This is having a huge impact on their well being
  • Mental health issues. Can you imagine having depression and then on top of it not getting the social support and connection that you need, being home alone? What is the consequence?

In this Medscape article an MD describes all the harm that is being done from the quarantine.

Remember I am not telling you what to do, what to think, I am only providing information for you to make an educated choice for yourself.

List of Reputable People in the Health Field

Here are some knowledgeable people with credentials to back them up in the health space that I hope you enjoy learning from, not just on COVID but for your health in general

Do not take my word for any of this as I am listening to others who are much smarter than me!

Here are sites and people that you may want to listen to regarding COVID, and your health.

If there are other reputable figures in the health space that are discussing COVID right now, please share if not on this list.  There are many others in the health space but many have chosen to shy away from the topic of COVID.

Personally, I see myself as an advocate, whether that was when I worked in long term care, as a mother, as a care giver for aging parents, and for my clients.  We all have our interests, our passions and mine fighting for our health, giving you health information you can use, and fighting for my health freedoms.

Bottom Line

I am just a nutritionist, not a doctor, nor a scientist or virologist but I have spent hours each day listening to some very smart doctors and scientists and then looking up some data based on what they have said.

It has been overwhelming and time consuming, but I feel strongly that this suppressed information has to get out there. I am not telling you what to do. What I am doing is giving you links to some information you may not hear otherwise and then you decide with the information provided what is best for you and your family.  It doesn’t matter if you agree or disagree with me, that is not the point of this article.

We need to wake up however and realize that the health of Americans is in unbelievably bad shape and we need to take responsibility for our health. I think we can all agree on this point.

Another vaccine added to the long list is not going to make your diet and lifestyle health issues magically disappear.  (kind of like if your depression is caused by a health issue, no matter how many hours you sit on a therapists couch, you wont get better)

This isn’t about the virus or germ theory, this is about you, the host, the terrain and how susceptible are you. Take care of your health to protect yourself from any pathogen!