
What is it and Why it Matters if You Have a Mental Health Issue

If you have a mental health issue with little to no improvement with dietary changes and other modalities and have run an exhausted number of tests, it may be helpful to work with a professional to see if Pyroluria is impacting your mood and behavior.

What is Pyroluria?

You have probably never heard of Pyroluria. It is a disorder that is often mistaken for other health issues. It can run in families and so often just mistaken for “it must be in our genes”.

Carl Pfeiffer, MD, PhD, came up with the finding of needing more B6 and zinc over 50 years ago.

This disorder can be tested via a urine test. However the test does have false negatives as it can be an unstable test. The questionnaire below can help determine if Pyroluria is an issue for you. A positive result is 15 mcg/dl or higher on the test.

Pyroluria is a genetic metabolic condition. A pyrolle is a chemical consisting of a 5 membered aromatic ring. These chemicals are by- products of hemoglobin synthesis and have no known function in the body and they are normally excreted in the body via your urine.

Most people have very few pyrroles in their system at any one given time but there are some people who have an unusually high number of pyrroles in their body and this results in the condition known as Pyroluria.

For these people, what happens is that the pyrroles bind to B6 and zinc causing these nutrients to be excreted from the body in large amounts. Pyroluria can also cause a deficiency in arachidonic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid). (Because of this, these people should use caution if supplementing with omega 3 fatty acids as it can disrupt the balance between your omega 3’s and omega 6’s even further.)

While this is a genetic condition, it may be some time before you notice the signs and symptoms. Genetics load the gun, but diet and lifestyle will pull the trigger. Thus, it can be induced by childhood trauma or a chronic infection.

If alcoholism “runs in the family” it is worth looking into this disorder. Onset typically begins in the teen years.

If you do have Pyroluria, this is a lifelong condition in which you are deficient in B6 and zinc. The protocol requires regular supplementation of specific nutrients.

However, not just B6 and zinc as you will see….

For instance, in those with Pyroluria, there is often a copper imbalance since copper has to be within a certain ratio with zinc. The balance should be with more zinc and less copper but those with Pyroluria will have an overload of copper.

Pyroluria Symptoms

You can have mild, moderate or severe Pyroluria. Your severity is based on the test results, and/or based on the symptom list below. How mild or how severe your Pyroluria is will determine the dosing of the supplements needed to help you feel better.

Symptoms of B6 deficiency include mental health and psychiatric issues. Nervousness, extreme irritability, anxiety, depression, poor short- term memory and explosive anger can all be signs of low B6 and zinc and signs of Pyroluria.

Zinc deficiency is also associated with various psychological disorders, poor immune function, poor growth, delayed sexual development/delayed puberty.

Those who have or struggle with alcoholism, schizophrenia, ADHD, depression, anxiety or autism may have Pyroluria as an underlying condition. However, most doctors do not recognize this condition, nor will they test for it.

The person with Pyroluria will often exhibit an odd combination of symptoms. Some symptoms include severe mood swings, inability to cope with stress, to light and noise sensitivity. They also may not reach puberty until after 16. They tend to be fearful and pessimistic and may isolate themselves from others.

B6 and Zinc

If the person does have this genetic trait that leaves them deficient in B6 and zinc, this also can leave them depleted in neurotransmitters, serotonin, GABA and dopamine. Having low levels of these neurotransmitters can set you up for a host of issues, including, depression, anxiety, sleep issues, and ADHD.

B6 is needed not only for neurotransmitter production but also for over 80 biochemical reactions in the body. Having a deficiency in B6 can result in nervousness, insomnia, and muscle weakness.

Zinc is also important for brain function and is required to convert B6 into its active form. Zinc also plays a role in the activation and inhibition of NMDA receptors that are essential for positive mental health. Low zinc can alter GABA levels in the brain and alters the zinc to copper balance in the body. Having too much copper can alter your brain levels of dopamine and norepinephrine.

Zinc deficiency is associated with poor growth, temper tantrums/poor ability to control anger, weak immune system, epilepsy, hormonal imbalances, neurodegenerative disorders and learning problems.

Pyroluria Impact on Mental Health

While not all of those with addiction/alcoholism, ADHD, depression and so forth have Pyroluria, from the Walsh Research Institute database on 30,000 patients it is estimated that roughly 18% to 35% of these people have Pyroluria. For instance, from their data base, it is estimated that 24% of those with depression have Pyroluria, 30% of those with schizophrenia,35% of those with bipolar disorder and 18% of those with ADHD.

Why Aren’t Doctors Testing for Pyroluria?

The answer is quite simple.

Some doctors don’t even believe this condition exists. It may be because Pyroluria is not taught in medical schools. It may also be possible that it is never taught because there is no medicine for this condition, only supplements, which don’t produce profit for big Pharma.

Pyroluria Remedy

If you do have Pyroluria, results from supplementation are typically noticed within a few days and full effects noticed in 4 to 6 weeks if the condition is mild.

Severe cases may take longer. For these people it can take several weeks before results are noticed and then continual improvement over the course of three to twelve months.

If you discontinue the protocol, signs and symptoms may be noticed within 2 to 4 weeks after discontinuation.

Large doses may be needed at first and therefore it is best to work with a professional. The dose can often be tapered down over time once you are feeling better and your nutrient status has returned to a healthy base level. But if you do have Pyroluria, targeted supplementation is a life- long thing.

The other reason that it is important to not go this alone is because using high doses of these nutrients can be toxic and using the wrong forms of nutrients or poor quality supplement products may yield no results and thus you may think you don’t have Pyroluria when in fact, it may be you weren’t using the correct protocol.

If you have Pyroluria you should also avoid supplements that contain copper and foods that contain yellow or red dye.

Please keep in mind that the signs and symptoms of Pyroluria can also be symptoms of entirely different health issues.

Pyroluria Signs and Symptoms-Does This Sound Like You?

  • little or no dream recall
  • white spots on fingernails
  • poor morning appetite/skip breakfast
  • morning nausea
  • pale skin/poor tanning/burn easily
  • sensitive to bright light
  • hyper sensitive to loud noise
  • reading difficulties (dyslexia)
  • poor ability to cope with stress
  • mood swings/temper outbursts
  • histrionic tendency (dramatic)
  • argumentative/enjoy argument
  • new situations/changes in routine are stressful
  • higher alertness in evening (as opposed to morning)
  • poor short term memory
  • abnormal body fat distribution
  • belong to an all-girl family with look-alike sisters
  • dry skin
  • anxiousness
  • reaching puberty later than normal
  • difficulty digesting or dislike protein
  • is a loner, avoids large groups
  • stretchmarks on skin
  • poor sense of smell or taste
  • feel uncomfortable with strangers
  • frequently experience fatigue
  • overreact to tranquilizers, barbiturates, alcohol or other drugs (powerful response)
  • anemia
  • mental illness or alcoholism in family
  • easily upset by criticism
  • sweet smell to breath or sweat when ill or stressed
  • prone to acne, psoriasis, eczema
  • tendency to feel anxious, fearful or carry inner tension
  • difficulty recalling past events or people
  • bouts of depression or nervous exhaustion
  • prone to frequent colds/infections
  • poor tooth enamel
  • severe inner tension
  • skin may appear paper thin
  • if your family is of darker skin, your skin will be the lightest in the family
  • have a relative that has/had alcoholism, bipolar, schizophrenia, suicidal, depression
  • worsening of your symptoms after a heavy night of drinking or using drugs

If you answered yes to 15 or more questions, consider getting tested for Pyroluria and/or working with a professional to add in the right nutrients at the right amounts for you.

If this sounds like you, speak with a health professional about targeted supplementation. Most of those with Pyroluria need to supplement long term.

Foods to Include in Your Diet If You Have Pyroluria

In the meantime, add in foods that are rich in B6 and zinc as well as foods rich in omega 6.

  • zinc: oysters, red meat, pumpkin seeds, cooked split peas, sesame seed butter, lima beans, pecans, brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts
  • omega 6: primrose oil, walnut oil, sesame oil, sunflower seeds (avoid processed and refined oils high in omega 6’s such as corn, safflower soybean and vegetable oil)
  • B6: organ meats, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy, whole grains, nutritional yeast, nuts, seeds, vegetables, mushrooms
  • Add in fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, kimchee, miso, tempeh and kombucha.
  • Magnesium rich foods include dark leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, black beans, sesame seeds, almonds, cashews, flax seeds, brown rice, and avocado.
  • Manganese rich foods include nuts, dark leafy greens, pineapple, brown rice, buckwheat and oats.
  • You may also need additional gut support and additional adrenal support


Why It’s Not Just About B6 and Zinc

If you do have Pyroluria you want to supplement with the right blend of nutrients at the right amounts for you. A supplement for Pyroluria should not only include zinc and B6 but you also may need one that includes manganese as this nutrient can become depleted when zinc is taken at the high doses needed for Pyroluria. Manganese is also important for neurotransmitter production.

Foods that contain manganese include nuts, dark leafy greens, pineapple, brown rice, buckwheat and oats.

Taking large doses of B6 can deplete magnesium levels and low magnesium can increase anxiety and irritability. Foods that contain magnesium include dark leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, black beans, sesame seeds, almonds, cashews, flax seeds, brown rice, and avocado.

Each situation is different, and you may also need adrenal support short term since the adrenal glands may have been overworked from dealing with this ongoing stressor. Some also benefit from added B3 as this can help to speed the recovery process.

Bottom line

If many of the symptoms on the list sound like you it may be worth it to discuss Pyroluria with a holistic health professional. Also, the anxiety, depression or other mental health issues that seem to run in your family and you have been told is “just your genetics” may in fact be an underlying genetic disorder such as Pyroluria.

Also, keep in mind that if you do have Pyroluria, there still may be other underlying conditions, root causes as well. I have found that often, mental health issues don’t have just one root cause.


Walsh, W. Nutrient Power. (2012) Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain. Delaware: Skyhorse Publishing